Privacy statement

During your visit to Uitgeverij Logistiek  collects information. We do this to tune the website as much as possible to the preferences of the visitors of our website. Thereby, Uitgeverij Logistiek shall comply with any statutory rules as set out in the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act.
Read our cookie statement.

Personal data

Uitgeverij Logistiek gathers the personal data you fill out in the various forms on the site as well as the data regarding clicking and surfing behaviour. Such personal data are at the exclusive disposal of  Uitgeverij Logistiek. Uitgeverij Logistiek stores your personal data such as your name, address, residence and further particulars required for communication in a contact file. We use these data for answering and executing the questions and orders submitted to us by you. Uitgeverij Logistiek also uses the data to analyse the clicking and surfing behaviour and the actions/transactions (such as online forms) of visitors in order to draw up visitor profiles.

Receipt of information

If you object to the forwarding of such information, or if you would rather not receive such information electronically, please inform us by sending a letter or e-mail stating your name, company name and address and the statement “I prefer not to receive information” or “I prefer not to receive electronic information”. Would you like to view the information we collect on you, or would you like to correct or remove this information? Please inform us by sending a letter or e-mail stating your name, company name and address.

These terms are governed by the laws of the Netherlands. In the first instance, any disputes arising shall be settled by the Court at Rotterdam.

Uitgeverij Logistiek, Ridderkerk

T. +31 (0)180 490122