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Uitgeverij Logistiek

Tel: +31 (0)180 490122 Ref: 20528

Disclaimer: This company profile is managed by the contact person of the company itself. Adjustments can be made 24/7/365 after logging in at the top right.

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Management persons

Name Function Direct tel. Mobile Email
Lodder, P. Publisher - Chief Editor +31 (0)180 490122
Hulst, Mrs. M. van der Marketing & Sales Manager +31 (0)180 490122
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For over 40 years Uitgeverij Logistiek was publisher of the Rotterdam Transport Handbook and Rotterdam Transport Who is Who, the reference book of the Port of Rotterdam. In 2015 the last edition was published.

Since 2014 the complete contents of both books are available for free on All data can be updated 24/7 by the contact persons of the companies.

As Europe’s prime logistical hub, Rotterdam offers the shipping industry unparalleled variety in shipping options. 

The Port of Rotterdam provides you with a choice of hundreds of selected logistical service suppliers that rank among Europe’s finest, into whose care you can safely consign your goods. 

Altogether this website furnishes you with company profiles, world port maps, transport links to all countries in the world and lists of thousands of contacts employed in the largest port of Europe.


Uitgeverij Logistiek is member of

    FENEX  (Netherlands Association for Forwarding & Logistics)



Uitgeverij Logistiek, Ridderkerk

T. +31 (0)180 490122