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Stream Software Nederland b.v.

Stream Software Nederland b.v.

Capelle aan den IJssel
Tel: +31 (0)10 4420617 Ref: 20538


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Stream Software is the knowledge partner within customs and logistics

Part of your efficiency

Our cooperation is a conscious step towards simplifying your customs and logistics processes. As a one-stop-shop, we provide user-friendly modules that offer an overview and are attuned to your way of working, so that you can fully focus on efficiency and cost savings.

Part of your growth

We think proactively with you and together we look for opportunities that lead to return on investment, from the most in-depth expertise in customs and logistics operations within the Benelux. Stream Software is not just a software supplier, but a partner that accelerates your growth.

Part of your team

While you focus on the growth of your organisation, our experts ensure that you are compliant with the most recent customs legislation and keep up with the latest developments in the sector. We are 100% committed to every challenge.

Stream Software’s Declaration Software

Customs is our core business.

The Customs Streamliner® is one integrated solution that supports all customs declarations and procedures for the Benelux with a uniform user interface.

In addition to the declaration software, Stream Software developed the Customs Dossier, which can support all customs procedures on the basis of scenarios, rights and parameters.

Customs Dossier enables the user to automate customs flows wherever possible. The solution includes PLDA, AGS, NCTS, EMCS, fiscal representation, warehouse management and other commercial customs and inventory systems in a user-friendly and fast communication environment.

The Customs Streamliner® can be integrated with the ERP-software of shippers such as SAP, J.D. Edwards, Navision, a.o. and of course with the ERP-system of Stream Software itself, specifically designed for customs agents.

Bonded Warehouse Administration

By placing goods in a Bonded Warehouse, the payment of import duties and VAT is postponed until the moment the goods leave the warehouse again.

When the goods leave the warehouse with a destination outside the EU (re-export to a third country), no import duties and VAT are charged.

When the goods leave the customs warehouse with destination Belgium or another EU country, the import duties and VAT are levied at the moment they leave the warehouse. Transshipment between customs warehouses and scrapping under customs supervision are also free of duties and VAT provided the declarant has the necessary authorisation.

The Stream Software solution: Customs Dossier

The administration of a Bonded Warehouse can be very time-consuming. With Customs Dossier Stream Software offers the ultimate tool to automate this administration and reporting.

Each entry or inbound automatically creates a stock sheet, from which the results are written off. Therefore, there is always an audit trail concerning every movement of goods in and out of the customs warehouse, which enables the user to submit an accurate report to customs at all times.

In addition, with the use of the Smart Modules, the customs stock can be optimised and automated from a fiscal point of view.

Fiscal Representation

Tax representation for the import of goods involves a great deal of financial responsibility.

Within the Customs Streamliner®, Stream Software offers a powerful tool to fully control the fiscal representation (both global and individual VAT numbers).

In order to minimise human intervention, Stream Software has set up a solution where the data is taken over automatically. The data transfer starts with the declaration and ends with the VAT, intrastat and ICL declaration. In this way, the user can save an enormous amount of time.

Stream Software goes even further than that. With the self-controlframework, checks or controls are set up with the aim of controlling all tax flows. The aim is always to achieve the highest possible level of automation.

The legislation is monitored by Stream Software’s specialists and changes are incorporated into the application in a timely manner. Our customers are automatically notified when new functionalities are applicable.


A correct and complete settlement

The invoicing of customs documents can involve large sums of money. It is extremely important for the forwarder or declarant to settle the documents on time, but above all correctly.

The Stream Software solution: automatic invoicing

Here Stream Software offers a comprehensive solution: linked to ILS, customs documents can be invoiced automatically.

The user can define tariffs per client and per type of document, and after the release of a declaration, these costs and any payable VAT, import duties or anti-dumping duties are automatically invoiced.

You can also opt for a periodic consolidation invoice for all declarations, but with an immediate invoice for the VAT, import duties or anti-dumping duties mentioned earlier. In this way, you are always assured of a correct and complete settlement.

Declarant Assist

Entering customs declarations can be complex. Certain goods’ codes require additional codes and the incorrect or incomplete submission of a declaration can be very time-consuming when numerous corrections are required. Moreover, the customs systems are unnecessarily burdened.

Stream Software has the ideal solution with the Declarant Assist

The name says it all: Declarant Assist is your assistant as declarant and screens your entire declaration for errors before you send it to customs. As a user, you will receive notifications in advance of which items in the declaration are missing or incorrect. This way, you can supplement or amend these data, thus reducing the number of error messages returned by customs to a minimum.

The main advantage of the Declarant Assist is that it fully screens the declaration before it is sent to customs. Any errors or missing data are then detected, drastically reducing the number of error messages received. The Declarant Assist is fully updated (at least) monthly to the latest version of the EU TARIC database.

Declarant Assist reads out the EU TARIC database and allows you to consult tariff codes. The module also contains the following functionalities:

  • Checks the existence of the commodity code in the current month
  • Checks whether the documents have been added
  • Checks whether the correct additional units have been specified
  • Checks whether the additional codes have been specified
  • Optimises your import declaration:
  • Propose the most tax-favourable preference (use of FormA/Eur1)
  • Suspension to be proposed if appropriate
  • Anti-dumping to be proposed if applicable
  • Quota to be proposed if applicable


The exemption from VAT for shipments of €22 and below is cancelled as of July 1, 2021. As of this date, VAT must be paid on the import of all such shipments.

The exemption for duties of shipments of €150 and lower remains in place. Please note that as of 1 July 2021, the limit value of €150 will no longer be determined on the customs value of the order, but on the intrinsic value. In addition, not all goods may be imported via the e-Commerce platform. Goods that “touch” something in the legislation continue to go through the normal declaration systems. Our solution has a negative list of goods codes which may not be declared via e-Commerce. These can then be submitted via PLDA or AGS.

Stream Software has developed a cloud solution where e-Commerce shipments can be submitted. The application validates all submitted packages, and determines the flow to follow.

There are strict business rules set by the customs authorities, as a result of which not all goods may be sent in within H7 / DECO (e.g. excise goods). Our CAAS (Customs Advanced Advisory System) validates each parcel against these business rules! Stream Software has an e-Commerce solution for the Benelux. Let’s face it, the business rules differ from country to country. Stream’s CAAS offers a solution for every e-Commerce shipment within the Benelux, whether it arrives at Liege, Schiphol or Luxembourg!

For more information about our Industry Solutions click here

For more information about our Logistics Solutions click here

Be pleasantly surprised and ask for a demo!


Uitgeverij Logistiek, Ridderkerk

T. +31 (0)180 490122