
Click on a column to sort
Name Function Phone Working at
(day time), Terminal office - +31 (0)10 4253100 Westerstuw B.V.
24 hours, Afd. Agency Department +31 (0)180 441122 Euro Nordic Logistics B.V.
24/7 - +31 (0)6 51431773 Danser Containerline B.V.
24/7 After office Custom Services +31 (0)10 2858475 VertomCory
24/7 Dispatch - +31 (0)10 3073555 Boluda Towage Europe
Afdeling Sales Wolbocht 24/7 +31 (0)6 54300920 draft-Wolbocht Ship Supply
After office / ermergency - +31 (0)6 51873821 FCL Marine Agencies B.V.
After Office 24/7 After Office +31 (0) 88 5012570 Triumph Cargo B.V.
After Office CFA 24/7 +31 (0)6 25046974 CyberFreight Rotterdam BV
After Office CFR 24/7 +31 (0)6 25046974 CyberFreight Rotterdam BV
After office hours - +31 (0)6 53127270 Mammoet Ferry Transport
After office hours - +31 (0)6 12927364 Westerstuw B.V.
Agencies Agency Department (24 hrs) +31 (0)10 5013455 Gans Cargo Operations Netherlands
Amsterdam Office Sales +31 (0)20 4488400 draft-Spliethoff Agency & Forwarding B.V. - Rhoon
Bargeplanning - No data DP World Intermodal B.V. - Rotterdam
Buiten kantooruren Weekend/Avond dienst Barge +31 (0)6 53111678 HGK Logistics and Intermodal Nederland
Buiten kantooruren Weekend/Avond dienst Rail +31 (0)6 49858964 HGK Logistics and Intermodal Nederland
Buitenpost (frl) 9285 ZV, Afd. Buitenpost +31 (0)6 20498819 Trans Container Services B.V.
Cargo Cargo Dept. No data Maastricht Aachen Airport
Container Sale & Lease Container Sale & Lease +49 (0)231 99891 0 Container Terminal Dortmund (CTD)
Customer Service - No data Linde Gas Benelux B.V.
Customer Service Export Customer care department No data CMA-CGM (Holland) B.V.
Customer Service Import Customer care department No data CMA-CGM (Holland) B.V.
Customer Service, Agency - +31 (0)10 2084999 DFDS Seaways
Customs Customs +49 (0)231 99891 0 Container Terminal Dortmund (CTD)
Customs Customs +49 (0)621 59007 306 Contargo Rhein-Neckar GmbH – Ludwighafen
Customs Customs +49 (0)7271 9227 27 Contargo Wörth-Karlsruhe GmbH (K)
Customs Customs +33 (0)3 88795 525 Contargo Sarl – Strasbourg Terminal Süd
Customs Customs +49 (0)69 943 360 60 Contargo Rhein-Main GmbH – Frankfurt am Main
Diversen, Afd. 24 uur +31 (0)187 6022002 J.L. Mijnders Transport B.V.
Emergency Number Urgent Matters +31 (0)10 4912510 HM Law Rotterdam
Emergency phone, Duty surveyor Duty Surveyor +31 (0)6 53345678 DEKRA Experts
Enquiries - No data Frans de Wit International B.V.
Export Export +41 (0)61 6393641 Contargo A.G. - Basel
Export Export +49 (0)621 59007-125 / -126/ -353/ -394 Contargo Rhein-Neckar GmbH – Ludwighafen
Export Export +49 (0)7271 9227 32 /-15 /-37 Contargo Wörth-Karlsruhe GmbH (W)
Export Export +49 (0)9281 144 60 3030 Contargo Combitrac GmbH Hof
Export Kintetsu Export +31 (0)20 6554420 Kintetsu World Express (Benelux) B.V. – Amsterdam
Export Oberrhein Export Oberrhein +49 (0)7621 42526 12 Contargo Weil am Rhein GmbH
Export transport in tank containers dept. - +31 (0) 6 21658485 NRS Ocean Logistics Ltd.
General General +49 (0)231 9989118 Container Terminal Dortmund (CTD)
General General +49 (0)2131 1557 143 Contargo Neuss GmbH – Floßhafenstraße
General General +49 (0)721 9227 81 Contargo Wörth-Karlsruhe GmbH (K)
Import Import +41 (0)61 6393642 Contargo A.G. - Basel
Import Import +49 (0)621 59007 429 Contargo Rhein-Neckar GmbH – Ludwighafen
Import Import +49 (0)7271 9227-70 /-75 /- 77 Contargo Wörth-Karlsruhe GmbH (W)
Import Import +49 (0)9634 92375 6017 Contargo Combitrac GmbH Wiesau
Import Import +49 (0)40 75 60 268 2012 Contargo Combitrac GmbH – Glauchau
Import Kintetsu Import +31 (0)20 6554410 Kintetsu World Express (Benelux) B.V. – Amsterdam
Import Oberrhein Import Oberrehein +49 (0)7621 42526 13 Contargo Weil am Rhein GmbH
Import transport in tank containers dept. - +31 (0) 186 656270 NRS Ocean Logistics Ltd.
Inquiries - No data Logfret B.V
Meld- & coördinatiekamer 24 hours per day/7 days a week +31 (0)10 4162500 Ecoloss Project B.V.
Operations 24/7 +31 (0)88 0114256 / 57 Rotterdam Rail Feeding
Operations after office hours Operations +31 (0) 651086307 RHB Stevedoring & Warehousing Breakbulk Terminal
Planning Planning +31 (0)6 21515791 HOV Harlingen
Projects Project Freight Forwarder +31 (0)168 388518 Ryano Logistics B.V.
Railplanning - No data DP World Intermodal B.V. - Rotterdam
Sales - +31 (0)10 2084993 DFDS Seaways
Sales Sales +31 (0)168 388 510 Ryano Logistics B.V.
Sales Sales +41 (0)61 6393616 Contargo A.G. - Basel
Sales Sales +49 (0)69 30582037 Contargo Industriepark Frankfurt-Höchst GmbH
Sales Sales +49 (0) 231 9989132 Container Terminal Dortmund (CTD)
Sales Sales +49 (0)2131 1557 154 Contargo Neuss GmbH – Floßhafenstraße
Sales Sales +49 (0)621 17825 353 Contargo Rhein-Neckar GmbH – Ludwighafen
Sales Sales +49 (0)7271 9227 22 Contargo Wörth-Karlsruhe GmbH (K)
Sales Sales +33 (0)3 89833744 Contargo Sarl – Strasbourg Terminal Süd
Sales Sales +49 (0)7621 425 32 60 Contargo Weil am Rhein GmbH
Sales Sales +49 (0)2131 1557152 Contargo Neuss Tilsiter Straße
Sales Sales +49 (0)69 943 360 62 Contargo Rhein-Main GmbH – Frankfurt am Main
Sales Sales +49 (0)7271 9227 22 Contargo Wörth-Karlsruhe GmbH (W)
Sales Sales +49 (0)621 17825 359 / -352 Contargo Rhein-Neckar GmbH – Mannheim
Sales Sales +33 (0)3 89 833 744 Contargo Sàrl Ottmarsheim
Sales Sales +49 (0)261 8872 10 Contargo Rhein-Main GmbH – Koblenz
Sales Sales +49 (0)6134 210 97 11 Contargo Rhein-Main GmbH Gustavsburg
Sales Sales +49 (0)2822 9245 12 Contargo Rhein-Waal-Lippe GmbH – Emmelsum
Sales Sales +33 (0)327 21 4820 Contargo North France SAS
Sales Sales +33 (0)3 89 833 744 Contargo Sàrl - Strasbourg Terminal Nord
Sales Export sales department No data CMA-CGM (Holland) B.V.
Sales Import sales department No data CMA-CGM (Holland) B.V.
Specialist gevaarlijke stoffen 24 hours per day/7 days a week +31 (0)10 4162500 Ecoloss Project B.V.
Storingsnummer - +31 (0)181 618686 Smith-Holland B.V.
Weekendtelephone, – - +31 (0)6 53665466 Contargo Waterway Logistics B.V.

Uitgeverij Logistiek, Ridderkerk

T. +31 (0)180 490122