Show all 2514 companies (As from 20-04-2024)

Remiro Freight Services B.V.

Tel: +31 (0)20 4462333 Ref: 20511

Disclaimer: This company profile is managed by the contact person of the company itself. Adjustments can be made 24/7/365 after logging in at the top right. You can also email your corrections to [email protected]

Chapters with worldwide destinations excluding Airfreight (scroll down for destinations)

Lines of business in which this company operates (max. 4)

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Groupage by Sea
680 ports-192 countries

Ports (click on a port for an overview of services)
Alexandria  Antwerp  Ashdod  Bangkok  Beihai  Beijing  Cairo  Cork  Dublin  Famagusta  Guangzhou  Haifa  Haikou  Hangzhou  Hong Kong  Istanbul  Itajai  Izmir  Jakarta  Jebel Ali  Kaohsiung  Karachi  Keelung  Kobe  Kowloon  Larnaca  Leixoes  Limassol  Lisbon  Malta  Nagoya  Nanjing  Nicosia  Ningbo  Oporto  Osaka  Paranagua  Qingdao  Shanghai  Shekou  Shenzhen  Singapore  Tokyo  Tripoli  Tunis 

Management persons

Name Function Direct tel. Mobile Email
Pas, R. Managing Director
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About us
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Uitgeverij Logistiek, Ridderkerk

T. +31 (0)180 490122