Show all 2516 companies (As from 25-04-2024)

Contargo Trimodal Network

Tel: +31 (0)78 6254600 Ref: 19482

Disclaimer: This company profile is managed by the contact person of the company itself. Adjustments can be made 24/7/365 after logging in at the top right. You can also email your corrections to [email protected]

Chapters with worldwide destinations excluding Airfreight (scroll down for destinations)

Lines of business in which this company operates (max. 4)

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Rhine-Inland shipping

Destinations / ports (click on a destination for an overview)
Basel  Bonn  Duisburg  Emmerich  Frankfurt am Main  Frankfurt am Main/Hoechst  Germersheim  Karlsruhe  Kehl  Koblenz  Ludwigshafen  Mainz  Mannheim  Neuf-Brisach  Neuss  Ottmarsheim  Strasbourg  Voerde  Weil am Rhein  Worms  Worth 

Management persons

Name Function Direct tel. Mobile Email
Vinke, C. Managing Director +31 (0)6 51258954
Weekendtelephone, – - +31 (0)6 53665466
Meurs, M. van Sales Manager +31 (0)6 10560902
Scharroo, Mrs. H. Operations Manager +31 (0)6 20611698
Overvoorde, A. Financial Manager +31 (0)6 52107032
Hulsker, M. Managing Director +31 (0)6 22701018
Ronteltap, R. Operations Manager +31 (0)6 29402740
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Uitgeverij Logistiek, Ridderkerk

T. +31 (0)180 490122